"CareNed listens to you"

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How does CareNed operate?

Personal advice for better solutions 
As a result of intensive collaboration with various disciplines, CareNed offers broad knowledge and optimum solutions when dealing with the Dutch legislation and regulations and medical or paramedic care at home and abroad. CareNed works for private individuals, agencies, and companies. The mode of operation is always the same; the interpretation varies from client to client. Based on a confidential intake interview CareNed provides concrete and clear answers, so that you can make better decisions.

Private individuals 
CareNed Zorgeloos Leven offers private individuals advice and personal counselling with one objective: planning of and mediating in a future at home or abroad, so that you can stay in charge as long and pleasant as possible.

Companies and agencies 
CareNed consults and mediates between parties in the field of housing and (investment) projects at home and abroad. For example, by carrying out research on the care locations abroad. CareNed helps project developers with the finishing touch for a successful care location. To this means CareNed has developed a unique care concept, supported by health insurers in the Netherlands. The concept of Lifelong Lasting Care combines medical and social expertise for housing complexes at home and abroad. Because everyone is special the care is supplied completely tailor-made. From a ready ear to high-quality care.

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